
HOME > Pathology Management System

PathoLab is a web based client server pathology management application. It is tried and tested best pathology application. It can make your laboratory report generation and accounts management job much simpler and quicker. It is suitable for any kind of pathology laboratory or Diagnostic Centre. It is designed to automate the whole operations of a pathology lab or diagnostic centre like billing, daily sample collection monitoring, pathological tests carried out, Test Report generation, patient information management and diagnostic reports entry, fees collection, calculation of commission (if any), commission payment management, bill printing, report printing, report delivery, user access monitoring, Total Earning report, cash collection report and many other MIS Reports. It has a robust database system to handle large amount of data with a high level of data security.

  • Easy to Operate
  • Tested & Trusted by Doctors, Pathologists and Lab Technicians

PathoLab is very well designed and all forms are so carefully designed with the help of expert pathology technicians and A1 diagnostic Centre to ensure the industry Standards in the pathology application as well as User Friendly Design to Quick and Easy Entry. All forms are various autofill methods so that you have to enter only the necessary data only no repeated data entry.

  • any any any.... report.

In PathoLab you can create formula using the Test-Fields. During Report entry it will automatically calculate the formula using the value entered and fill the result value in the target field. There are In-Build formula for CBC, LIPID PROFILE, LFT, ESR etc.

You can use your own company Name, Address, Phone Number, Logo etc as per your company. Your customer will get Pathology Reports with your company name, address, phone number and Logo.

You can create your own report format using PathoLab. It is totally Customizable. We can create new report format for you from scratch as per your need.

  • PDF (You can Email Test Report to any Client.)
  • Microsoft Word (EDITABLE that is you can Edit this report in Microsoft Word.)
  • Rich Text Format -RTF( EDITABLE- You can Edit this in any RTF Editor like MsWord, Windows WordPad etc.)
  • Patient Master Data Entry.
  • Patient Tests Sample Receipt
  • Patient Test Reports Delivery Management.
  • Patient History.
  • Patient Bill payment management.
  • Patient Referrer Accounts Master
  • Patient Referrer Commission Calculation Per Patient Bill.
  • Patient Referrer Commission Payment Management.
  • Agent Accounts Master
  • Agent Commission/Discount/Discounted Rate Setting Per Test.
  • Agent's Test Sample Receipt Management.
  • Agent's Test Report Issue/ Delivery Management.
  • Agent's Bill Payment Management.
  • E-mail Test Reports to Patient.
  • E-mail Test Reports to Client AGENT/ Collection Centre.
  • E-mail Test Reports to Doctor.
  • E-mail Test Reports to Hospital/ Department.
  • SMS Booking,Report Ready, Test Reports to Patient.
  • SMS Booking,Report Ready, Test Reports to Client AGENT/ Collection Centre.
  • SMS Booking, Test Reports to Doctor.
  • SMS Test Reports to Hospital/ Department.
  • Create Test profile comprising many test from different test groups.
  • Create Rates for each profile.
  • Single click or 'Hot Keys' facilities available for the most frequently used operations in each form of the Pathology software.
  • Simple & Turbo search facilities is also with the Pathology software. Search a patient by many different ways. like By Name,By Doctor,By test, By City, By Date Range etc
  • Built in Normal Ranges for various tests
  • You can put your own logo to be printed with the Reports and Bills in this Pathology software.
  • Doctor's Directory for those doctors in your locality with various details of those doctors can be maintain with this Pathology software.
  • Can set/ Change default values for each tests each field.
  • Can set/ Change Normal value ranges / Reference Range for each tests each field (Male , Female , Child Wise).
  • Can Print test report to any kind of Printer (DOT MATRIX/ INKJET/ LASERJET/ DESKJET).
  • Windows based Graphical printing on Laser/Inkjet printer @ approximately 6 page per minute.
  • Print multiple test reports on a single page. On one page combine Haematology + Biochemistry reports.
  • That is if you want to set default result for any test and want to load at pathology report entry time then the default result will be entered for you.
  • Auto View Previous Test Results.
  • That is you can view Previous Test Result of the Patient for that TestField if any. That is you can view previous Test result if that patient have done the same test in your lab.
  • Delete patient records will all of its tests, payment data for a patient ID Range.
  • Delete patient records will all of its tests, payment data for a Date range.
  • User master to manage user accounts.
  • You can grant/block User access/ permission for each form's for each action.Easy Backup of Database
  • There is AUTOBACKUP Facility with the Pathology software. It's Intelligent Core will automatically backup the database.
  • You can manually take backup very easily just by choosing the backup location and Clicking the BACKUP Button.
  • No Limit of User Accounts.
  • Every form has Help Icon. You can click on the Icon or press F1 to see the help for that form.
  • General Help Document is available in PDF , WORD and CHM Format.
  • Delete patient records will all of its tests, payment data for a patient ID Range.
  • Delete patient records will all of its tests, payment data for a patient ID Range.
  • Delete patient records will all of its tests, payment data for a patient ID Range.
  • Delete patient records will all of its tests, payment data for a Date range.
  • Every form has Help Icon. You can click on the Icon or press F1 to see the help for that form .
  • General Help Document is available in PDF , WORD and CHM Format.
  • You can visit our website for more knowledge.
  • You can call our Customer Care Desk for any query.
  • Sample Collection Report.
  • Tests left to be done.
  • Test reports completed but not delivered.
  • Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly Collection Report (Cash / Credit)
  • Payment Due reports
  • Agent Wise collection reports
  • Agent Wise due reports.
  • Referer wise commission report
  • Referer wise commission payment report.
  • Outstanding Commission Report.
  • Outstanding Bill Report.
  • Daily/ Monthly/ Yearly Sale report.
  • Agent wise Business Transaction Report.
  • Doctor wise Business Transaction Report.
  • Stock Report.
  • and many more.
  • 24x365 fully online support. If you have Internet connection then our expert will remotely operate your machine with your permission to resolve the problem. You can see the operation our expert is performing or our expert will guide you to how to resolve the problem.This support may hamper due to Technical or Other Issues.
  • Email Help Support when you want to write to us with some image or specific data or to reduce phone bill.
  • Phone Help Support when you have no internet connection.